
Daykio Plaza, First floor, Room 1.5, Ngong Lane, Nairobi, Kenya


A celebration of literature accompanied by music, art and culture makes learning fun for children in Pakistan

WHAT: Vibrant and exciting literature festivals for children to encourage a culture of reading for creativity, imagination and multi-sensory stimulation whilst celebrating Pakistan’s rich cultural history

WHERE: Pakistan (nationwide)

WHEN: The Children’s Literature Festivals began in 2011 and take place annually in different states across Pakistan

WHO: The Literature Festivals invite all children between the ages of 4-17 years to participate, regardless of schooling status, gender, and geographic location.

WHY: After ASER Pakistan findings revealed that almost 50% children in Grade 5 are unable to read a simple story of Grade 2 level, the children’s literature festivals were conceptualized as a means to popularize reading and creative expression without the stress of using textbooks and taking tests, associated with the school environment.

About the Program
Program Profile
Program Models

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