WHAT: A national advocacy campaign to collect one million signatures supporting the Right to Education Act in Pakistan and calling on policymakers to implement Article 25A, ensuring that all children receive a free, quality education
WHERE: Pakistan (nationwide)
WHEN: Phase I ran from March 6th-July 10th 2012. Phase II of the campaign to collect an additional million signatures from out-of-school children was launched on September 8th 2012.
WHO: Civil society organizations and citizens all over Pakistan were mobilized to sign the petition
WHY: After the introduction of Article 25 A in the 18th constitutional amendment on April 19, 2010, the fundamental right to free and compulsory education to all children between 5-16 years was written into Law. However, the constitutional amendment was only the first step in ensuring that all children gain access to free, quality education. This national advocacy campaign was designed to put pressure on national and state governments to implement Article 25.