
Daykio Plaza, First floor, Room 1.5, Ngong Lane, Nairobi, Kenya


Parents are learning! Citizen-led assessments bring to light learning gaps for children in Uganda

WHAT: Uwezo trains volunteers to provide instant feedback to parents and guardians regarding the performance of their children. This happens in the household immediately after the assessment has taken place and provides an opportunity for conversations about learning to happen.

WHERE: Uganda (nationwide)

WHEN: Annually since 2011

WHO: Uwezo volunteers are trained to provide instant and factual feedback about the performance of the child to his or her parent or guardian.

WHY: Instant feedback to parents and guardians offered an opportunity for further discussion on what can be done to improve the learning outcomes. Parents and guardians are therefore more involved on ways they can support their children’s journey both at home and in their schools.

About the program
Program Report

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