
Daykio Plaza, First floor, Room 1.5, Ngong Lane, Nairobi, Kenya


Education Reforms in Kenya: Opportunity to address challenges of inclusion and equity

PAL Network has been coordinating a series of Policy Dialogues (PDs) in education since September 2019. The dialogues aim to examine the extent to which the current education reforms address educational challenges of exclusion and inequality in terms of geography, gender, access and quality.

Policy Dialogues aim to

Assembled evidence-based policy options that suggest different ways of addressing inclusion that benefits learners.

Assemble and repackage evidence-based policy options that suggest different ways of addressing inclusion that benefits learners.

Built and sustained a network of researchers, policymakers, practitioners and other non-state actors to deliberate on emerging evidence on the impact of a competency-based curriculum on education quality and attainment for marginalised children to inform the formulation and implementation of programmes.

Build and sustain a network of researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and other non-state actors to deliberate on emerging evidence on the impact of competency-based curriculum on education quality and attainment for marginalised children to inform the formulation and implementation of programs.

Reviewed policies to identify gaps that hinder equity, inclusion and improved learning outcomes.

Review policies with a view of identifying gaps that hinder equity, inclusion, and improved learning outcomes.
Knowledge Products

Stakeholder Mapping Report

Education Policy Scan

Indicators of Success

Policy Dialogues Series

The Stakeholder mapping report provides full details on a network of researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and other non-state actors that have been effectively engaged with the government to discuss education quality, equity, and inclusion.

PAL Network conducted a policy gap analysis in the current educational reforms in Kenya. The analysis aimed to identify policy gaps that hinder equity and inclusion and improved learning outcomes. This resulted in the first knowledge product from the dialogues, a Policy Scan.
While there are three broad anticipated outcomes of the current curriculum reforms, there are no indicators of success. A second knowledge product proposing the indicators of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) was also developed. The indicators are by no means exhaustive. They should be agreed upon during a Policy Dialogue.

Kenya has made significant strides towards realising the right to education for every child and continues to take measures towards continuous improvement. The introduction of free primary education in 2003, free day secondary education in 2008 and 100% transition from primary to secondary school have successfully increased access to education.
