Established 2016

ASER Nepal was established when multiple people in various organisations recognised that even as more kids were going to school, they were not learning. ASER Nepal is hosted in GalliGalli, a civic technology non-profit that makes public service information more accessible to promote transparency and make it easier for citizens to use such services. Using ASER Nepal’s data for advocacy and improved governance is a natural extension of GalliGalli’s mission of youth engagement in public services.
ASER Nepal also engages education-focused service providers that can design and implement programmes based on its findings. Although GalliGalli is officially hosting ASER Nepal, technical services for the assessment – sampling, item design and field training are provided by Arc (a Kathmandu-based research centre). The ASER Nepal survey provides invaluable data on Nepal children's basic ability to read and do basic maths. ASER Nepal will also conduct additional studies to add to the ASER findings. ASER Nepal is highly interested in generating more data about the learning of skills and digital literacy.
The ASER Nepal survey has been piloted in one district out of Nepal’s 75. The survey, like its peers worldwide, will provide invaluable data on the basic ability of children in Nepal with regards to their ability to read and do basic math. ASER Nepal will also conduct additional studies to add to the findings of the ASER. In particular, ASER Nepal is deeply interested in generating more data about the learning of skills and digital literacy.
With a difficult alpine terrain and limited transport infrastructure implementing a nationwide assessment poses many logistical challenges. ASER Nepal is looking to build a model of strongly resourced local partners that handle the assessment in their own local area. In the pilot, local colleges and university were engaged to provide a cadre of committed and capable assessment volunteers. The national assessment will build on this model creating college level classes where students learn about the ASER and get field practice as part of their coursework. The national survey will have – for 75 districts – 13 field team leaders, 4500 assessment volunteers and a partner for each district.
Currently, ASER Nepal assesses children in 2 languages, Nepali and English.