Common Assessments

Building on ICAN’s success, PAL Network is currently developing PAL – ELANA (Early Language & Literacy and Numeracy Assessment), the new common assessment initiative. This initiative is comprised by two components: a numeracy assessment that builds on ICAN, expanding the number of items that form the item bank; and a literacy component that evaluates skills in the subdomains of oral language, decoding and reading comprehension. The assessment targets children between 4 and 10 years old to understand the continuum of learning between preschool and the first years of primary school and will provide estimations of achievement of SDG 4.1.1.(a) and the academic learning component of SDG4.2. In its final form, PAL – ELANA will be implemented using a digital application and will be adaptive. This assessment is being developed by 3 consortium partners: PAL Network, Pratham-ASER Centre and the Australian Center for Educational Research (ACER).