Established 2012

In 2010, Senegalese civil society leaders and education specialists travelled to India to learn more about ASER. In 2011, they went onto Bamako, Mali, where they shared insights from ASER India, ASER Pakistan and Uwezo in East Africa. This gave rise to Jàngandoo, the large-scale, citizen-led effort designed to assess learning levels in Senegal. In Wolof, Jàngandoo translates to Apprenons Ensemble or Learn Together.
Jàngandoo is a programme of Laboratoire de Recherche sur les Transformations Économiques et Sociales (LARTES), a research organisation located within l’Université Cheikh-Anta Diop in Dakar which specialises in the study of economic and social transformation and social policy. LARTES oversees survey design and implementation, conducts data analysis, develops reports and coordinates the dissemination of information.
The first Citizen-led Assessment methodology was piloted in 2012 in four of the 14 districts in Senegal and every year since 2013. It is the only current source of national annual information on the ability of children aged between 6-18 to read and do basic arithmetic. The survey test is composed of reading, mathematics and general culture tasks. In 2014, tablets were introduced to administer tests.
2012 saw the pilot of the citizen-led assessment methodology take place in 4 out of 14 districts in Senegal. The Jàngandoo survey has been conducted every year in every region of Senegal since 2013. It is the only current source of national annual information on children’s ability to read and do basic arithmetic in Senegal. The Jàngandoo survey assesses all children between the ages of 6 and 18. The survey test is composed of reading, mathematics and general culture tasks. 2014 marked the introduction of electronic tablets to be used for test administration. Senegal is the first of the network countries to implement electronic data collection.
Broadly speaking, LARTES has three teams of people working on the Jàngandoo survey. Two teams are comprised of experts and sit in Dakar. The Pedagogical Team is comprised of experts from the Education sector including school inspectors and teachers; and the Quantitative Team is comprised of statisticians and economists. Lastly, Partner Organizations who are responsible for implementing the survey in their region.
Tests are developed in French and Arabic.