Established 2021

Registered as a not-for-profit organisation, MIA AC participates in the educational project that is being implemented in El Salvador to improve basic learning in mathematics for children and adolescents through telephone tutorials. Its main purpose is to influence the quality of life of children and adolescents through inclusive educational processes, from a gender perspective and respect for human rights.
MIA AC is a civil association that arose from the action-research project, Independent Measurement of Learning (MIA), coordinated by CIESAS-Golfo and the University of Veracruz. MIA AC strives to carry out social development activities such as:
- Educational, cultural, artistic, scientific and technological promotion;
- Support of the defense and promotion of human rights; and
- Promotion of the organised participation of the population in actions that improve their own subsistence (citizen agency).
The organisation reached 2420 children through its action programme between 2020 and 2021. MIA AC also trained the PAL member in Nicaragua ÁBACOenRed on conducting innovations.
School Educational Innovation
We work with children and adolescents from grades 3 to 6 of primary school basic learning in reading and mathematics 3 sessions a week lasting 90 minutes.
Extracurricular Educational Innovation
We work with children and adolescents from grades 3 to 6 of primary school on basic learning in reading, mathematics, and social-emotional learning distribution for 3 tutorials (2 virtually and 1 face-to-face) sessions per week, lasting 90 minutes each session. With this innovation, the participants are expected to achieve the necessary knowledge for the best school performance.
Summer course
In this education innovation we work for 3 weeks of the summer with children and adolescents from 6 to 12 years of age. Playful activities, basic learning in reading and mathematics, and workshops to promote other skills (cooking, science, environmental care) are addressed. The sessions are from Monday to Friday 3 hours a day. Likewise, collaborative work, participation, and creativity are promoted. Participants learn through play.
Workshops for teachers
The workshop aims to contribute to the development of the socio-emotional skills of teachers, so that they acquire tools applicable in their life and school context and have a positive impact on the socio-emotional and academic learning of the students. The workshop is taught face-to-face, 3 sessions with a duration of 3 hours. Virtual, 2 sessions of 3 hours each.
Workshop to promote reading and mathematics at home
The workshop provides mothers and fathers, guardians, and caregivers with basic elements to support children and adolescents in the development of reading, writing, and mathematics skills in their homes. The workshop is designed to accompany the beginning of the educational innovation that MIA, A.C proposes in its different modalities of summer school and extracurricular courses. The duration of these workshops is 90 minutes each.