It takes a village to educate 10 million children – communities in India excited to improve learning!#Indirect Interventions
A celebration of literature accompanied by music, art and culture makes learning fun for children in Pakistan#Indirect Interventions
Massive campaign calls on policy makers to implement Right To Education law in Pakistan#Indirect Interventions
Local communities convene to discuss solutions to poor learning levels in Tanzania#Indirect Interventions
Six years later, are citizen-led assessments helping communities in Mali improve learning for their children?#Indirect Interventions
Uwezo citizen-led assessments stir action between community and local government to improve learning in Uganda#Indirect Interventions
Parents are learning! Citizen-led assessments bring to light learning gaps for children in Uganda#Indirect Interventions
Why are learning outcomes for children in Uganda low? Academics, researchers, and policymakers thrash it out!#Indirect Interventions