
Daykio Plaza, First floor, Room 1.5, Ngong Lane, Nairobi, Kenya


Six years later, are citizen-led assessments helping communities in Mali improve learning for their children?

WHAT: An annual communications campaign discusses the findings of the citizen-led barometer, Beekunko to provoke discussion and actions to improve the learning outcomes of children who have failed to acquire basic competencies in reading and mathematics

WHERE: 4 municipalities in the Segou region of Mali

WHEN: Every year since 2011.

WHO: The communications campaign targets parents, teachers, community members, elected officials in local councils, devolved education institutions and the Ministry of Education.

WHY: The assessment findings for the citizen-led barometer in Mali demonstrates poor learning outcomes for all children, regardless of their schooling status. The strategy adopted by Beekunko to provoke change in education policy and practice is centred on communicating the results of the citizen-led barometer to provoke discussion and action. The campaign focuses on parents to engage with the learning progress of their children and create favourable learning environments to help them learn.

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