WHAT: Young women are trained to provide pre-school education to children age 3-5 in the villages in which they live
WHERE: In urban slums and some rural communities across India
WHEN: The program was started over 20 years ago when Pratham began work in Mumbai and has since been implemented in over 13 states across India.
WHO: In 2016-17, these Pratham’s ‘Balwadi’s’ provided education to over 86,000 children across India
WHY: Ten years of ASER data demonstrate that basic learning levels are low. If children do not acquire foundational skills early on, they are unlikely to catch up later on. The acquisition of basic skills in reading and mathematics are the building blocks for all future progress – both in school and in life. The early school years are crucial for laying this foundation.
About the Program
Program Profile
Implementation Guide
Program Models