Established 2016

Facilidade – Institute for Citizenship and Sustainable Development (ICSD) is a Non-Governmental Organisation based in Nampula, Northern Mozambique. The organisation has been engaging citizens to assess the quality of education services using community scorecards. Facilidade aims to bring children’s learning to the centre of policy and educational practice through citizen participation in evaluating their learning progress.
To improve the quality of learning, Facilidade is implementing a citizen-led learning assessment project called TPC Mozambique, meaning All for Children in Mozambique. TPC, meaning homework, is a well-known acronym in elementary schools. The designation of TPC Mozambique suggests that each actor in society should come together so that children can learn. The TPC Mozambique project assesses the basic reading and numeracy skills defined for children who complete the 2nd grade. The assessment is carried out at the family level (at home) to capture a representative sample of children between the ages of 7 and 16, regardless of the class or school they attend.
TPC Mozambique formally applied for membership of the PAL Network in 2016. They were granted provisional membership by the PAL Network Steering Committee in February 2016. TPC Mozambique hopes to conduct regular assessments of children’s basic competencies and learn from the experiences of PAL Network member countries.
TPC Mozambique conducted their first pre-test in Murrupula District of Nampula Province in July 2016 with the help of a representative from ASER Centre in India, and Uwezo in Uganda. Facilidade plans to conduct their pilot in all districts of Nampula Province in 2016. They plan to gradually scale up to cover the other ten provinces of Mozambique. TPC Mozambique’s goal is to conduct citizen-led assessments in all 142 districts of Mozambique by 2018.