Established 2009
In 2017, ÁBACOenRed carried out a pilot in northern Nicaragua (urban area of Estelí) on 600 households in 60 neighbourhoods. From the pilot, project VIdA emerged as the only exercise in participatory research in Nicaragua that seeks to collectively and intersubjectively assess Nicaraguan children's learning (process and product) in basic reading, arithmetic and social interaction skills. The VIdA assessments are developed with the support of Teacher Training School students and lecturers. From 2019 to 2020,
ÁBACOenRed, in partnership with FUPECG (Pedagogical Foundation Authentic Cooperation) and with the voluntary participation of students and teachers from the teacher training college of Matagalpa, participated in the International Common Assessment of Numeracy (ICAN) conducted by the PAL Network in thirteen countries in Africa, Asia and the Americas.
The project, although it is a citizen initiative, aims to approach different key actors, especially: MINED, Normal School with its students and teachers whom we see in a very active role.
Being a research exercise, it takes its ‘scientific rigor’ from:
- The review, adequacy, and validation of VIdA tests and corresponding response formats.
- Selection of households by means of statistical methods by municipalities and neighborhoods of the region of Estelí.
- Selection and training of volunteers and companions in the field process.
- Organization and development of fieldwork to apply VIdA tests in homes and questions about the context of families.
- Data processing, analysis, and significance.
- Evaluation and feedback of results.