Our Commitment to Safeguarding
Our safeguarding commitment is to protect children and adults from both deliberate and accidental harm and abuse caused by the staff at PAL Network Secretariat, Member organisations and other representatives.
We take the following steps to ensure that children & adults are safeguarded.
- Listen to children and adults in our communities, and build child and adult participation and feedback into all of our programming and advocacy work.
- Make children, their families, communities and our staff aware of the standards of behaviour they can expect from us and of how they can raise a concern.
- Proactively promote and maintain clear, accessible and anonymous reporting mechanisms, including for those with disabilities.
- Complete criminal records checks and referencing for all staff during recruitment.
- In-depth safeguarding induction and refresher training for staff, at least once every two years.
- Ensure all representatives know the risks of child and adult abuse, their safeguarding responsibilities, and the requirement to report.
- Risk assess all activities and adhere to robust mitigation plans.
- Embed ‘safer programming’ steps throughout our programme development and implementation.
- Limit the opportunities for staff, volunteers and partners to abuse children, for example, by ensuring that no child or children are left alone with a staff member.
- Take all concerns seriously, and respond rapidly in a survivor-focused way.
- Learn lessons from all incidents, and ensure learning is implemented.
Safeguarding policy in English
Safeguarding policy in French
Safeguarding policy in Spanish
Safeguarding policy in Portuguese
We do not tolerate any form of abuse or misconduct, such as sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment, intimidation and bullying by our staff, and we take all concerns seriously.
If you have a safeguarding concern related to PAL Network, our staff, members or representatives, or a safeguarding concern related to a child or an adult, please tell us immediately and report it.