Join the Data for Foundational Learning Campaign

Why this petition matters ?
There is a Foundational Learning Crisis that needs to be addressed.
Sign This Petition Today
In mid to low-income countries, 7 out of 10 children cannot read and understand a simple story by age of 10.
In low-income countries such as those in Sub Saharan Africa, it is 9 out of 10 children.
If we don’t measure basic reading and maths in the early grades, how can we improve children’s learning in higher grades and beyond?Here is what happens when we don’t measure foundational learning:
- Without basic reading and math skills, children are unable to make the critical transition from ‘learning to read’ to ‘reading to learn’.
- Vulnerable groups such as out-of-school children, those with disabilities, and those in emergencies may face additional disadvantages due to lack of essential support to improve their foundational learning outcomes.
- In the long run, lack of basic reading and math skills hampers countries’ human capital potential, limiting their economic growth and sustainable development.
With only 6 years left to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, the learning crisis is severely undermining countries’ efforts toward SDG 4 which calls for free, equitable and quality education for all by 2030.
- The world desperately needs data on foundational learning. This is why SGD 4 indicator (SDG 4.1.1a) was instituted to measure basic reading and math skills when it matters most, early in a child’s education journey. However, large data gaps prevent us from fully understanding foundational learning outcome trends and how they vary between countries and regions.
- Lack of data is shrinking the much-needed space to discuss foundational learning in the Global Agenda for the achievement of SDG 4. Without data, citizens and civil society also cannot hold their governments accountable for the achievement of quality education.
How you can support
- Sign the petition to keep SDG 4.1.1a in the SDG reporting framework and safeguard the space for measuring foundational learning in the global 2030 agenda.
- Engage education stakeholders including governments, private sector, academia and civil society organisations to commit to:
- Measure Early: Use data and evidence-based interventions to reduce by half, the number of children who cannot read and do basic maths by the age of 10 by 2030.
- Measure Well: Ensure data collected on foundational learning is of high quality, standardised, and collected regularly.
- Measure All: Ensure that data on foundational learning and evidence-based interventions are inclusive of marginalised and vulnerable groups like out-of-school children, those with disabilities, and those in emergencies.
- Share your ideas and reasons for signing the petition in the comment section. We can’t wait to hear from you. The world can’t wait either!