
Daykio Plaza, First floor, Room 1.5, Ngong Lane, Nairobi, Kenya


We generate new insights to understand learning contexts and issues using data from our assessments and action programs and other research. 

The Research unit of the PAL Network generates insights, supports innovations and explore improvements in our service delivery and product development to help children learn better. PAL Network’s research is evidence-driven and serves as a core area of our work. Research is linked to Assessment, Action and Advocacy projects. The PAL Network also collaborates with partners and like-minded organisations to promote the Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) of all children.

Systematic Review

To understand the landscape of interventions that have significantly supported children’s basic reading and maths, the research team partnered with in-country subject experts to generate a list of projects that have aided children’s learning. This systematic review used secondary analysis to collect information about the effectiveness and relevance of education interventions in the Global South. The insights from this assignment will be showcased using an Evidence Gap Map (EGM). The EGM tool intuitively visualises, interacts and internalises available evidence (resources) on our topic of interest, namely, children’s FLN.
Lastly, the Every Language Teaches Us project is a collaboration with the Action Unit, where
over 2000 indigenous teaching-learning resources were collected from over 30 language
communities across eight countries. Selected resources were used to develop teaching-learning in children’s mother languages. This is also intended to support weakened language communities by creating an open repository of these indigenous learning materials.

Every Language Teaches Us (ELTU)
Evidence Map
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