PAL Network Reaffirms its Commitment to Citizen-Led Household-Based Assessments
PAL Network held the two-day biennial conference in Kathmandu, Nepal, from 5th-6th November 2019. The conference convened 160 people from over 25 countries. The conference resulted in the ‘Kathmandu Declaration’ that reaffirms the network’s commitment to citizen-led household-based assessments as an inclusive mechanism to track the learning progress for all children. View a collection of conference images and also watch videos of Dr. Rukmini Banerji and Prof. Lant Pritchett during the inaugural session.
Citizen-Led Assessment of Numeracy: Members Set to Release Comparable Data
Implemented in 13 countries, the PAL Network Citizen-Led Assessment of Numeracy (CLAN) will generate robust and comparable data on children’s learning levels. Having completed data collection between November and December 2019, member organizations implementing the assessment are gearing up for report writing and release of the assessment findings. Connect with us, @palnetworkHQ, for more developments.
Uwezo Uganda Launches its Eighth Learning Assessment Report
On 19th November 2019, Uwezo Uganda launched the 2019 learning assessment report titled ‘Are Our Children Learning?’ The report reveals a decline in literacy and numeracy levels of Primary 3 to Primary 6 pupils. The assessment conducted in October 2018, involved 1,900 volunteers, 45,670 children aged 6-16 years, in 16,859 households, in 954 schools and 32 districts of Uganda.
Uwezo Tanzania Launches the 2019 Learning Assessment Report
On 11th December 2019,Uwezo Tanzanialaunched its2019 learning assessment report. The report dubbed ‘Are Our Children Learning?’ shows that the majority of children in Tanzania are enrolled in school (almost 90%), but literacy and numeracy levels for many children are below expectations for their age and grade. The assessment conducted in 2017, involved 64,639 children aged 3-16 years, in 25,532 households, in 1,677 schools, and 56 districts of mainland Tanzania.
ASER 2019 Early Years Survey Completed Across India
The Annual Status of Education (ASER) ‘Early Years’ survey conducted by over 1500 volunteers assessing about 35,000 children aged four to eight took place in approximately 1500 villages in 24 states across India. The report will be launched on 14th January 2020. Follow@asercentrepage for more exciting updates.
ASER Pakistan to Release the 2019 Report in Mid-January
The launch of Annual Status of Education (ASER) Pakistan 2019 is set for mid-January 2020. The assessment covered 158 rural and 21 urban districts across Pakistan. The assessment included indicators on health, disability, and household wealth status. For the first time, the survey used a custom made application resulting in real-time data collection in nine districts. Follow@ASERPAKISTANpage for more information.
Zizi Afrique’s Accelerated Learning Program Expands to Cover 60 More Schools in 2020
Zizi Afrique, Kenya, appreciate teacher assistants and partners, who supported over 4500 learners in theAccelerated Learning Program(ALP). This year (2020) begins with expansion from 60 to 120 schools. In readiness, Zizi Afrique participated in the PAL Network’s action programs partners’ reflection and planning meeting that was held in Nairobi in early December to connect, engage, and plan for what is ahead.
Giving Schooling a Mining in Rural Mozambique
For the second consecutive year, Wiixutta Nithweelaka, a program ofTPC, Mozambique, is improving reading and numeracy competencies of children. Working with grades three, four, and five children in six schools in Larde district, this approach is showing a broad potential for change. In 50 intervention days, it had built the foundation for learning for many children.
PAL Network Hubs Seek to Tap on Regional Activities
The four hubs of PAL Network that bring together members from 14 countries held their 2019 final meetings during the Conference in Nepal on 5th November. Members discussed gains made and deliberated on ways to bolster regional activities in 2020.
Looking Back to Understand What Lies Ahead: Action Program Workshop
PAL Network members implementing action programs convened for a reflective workshop in Kenya between the 30th of November and 1st December 2019. They learned from each other’s practices, experiences, varying contexts in implementing action-intervention programs and planned for 2020.
MIA Mexico and Xalapa City Council Collaborate to Improve Literacy and Numeracy Skills
Town Hall Session recently approved a collaboration agreement between the Xalapa City Council and MIA – CIESAS. The agreement seeks to improve reading, writing, and numeracy skills among primary school learners through educational innovations developed by MIA.
PAL Network to hold its 2nd Annual General Meeting in March
In early March 2020, PAL Network will hold its second Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Nairobi, Kenya. The meeting will deliberate on the annual narrative report and audited financial statements for the year ended 2019.
PAL Network at CIES 2020
Representatives from the PAL Network will make presentations in various sessions in the upcoming 2020 Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Conference scheduled for 22-26 March in Miami, USA.