Our partner, Safina Women Association, organised the discussion for Morogoro Urban on 13 July 2016. It was held at their school “Leena Nursery and Primary School” in Morogoro municipal.
The event was attended by the Municipal Education Officer, Mr. Abdul Buheti – the guest of honour, TTU Chairperson Morogoro Municipal – Mr. Patric Mung`ong`o, Ward Education Officer, Ms. Greener Mkutepe, head teacher from Kigurunyembe Primary School, village leaders, Media (Mwananchi Communications and Radio Aboud), volunteers, students and parents who participated in the assessment.
The program included welcomes and introductions, a presentation of the findings, some entertainment from the children of Leena School and speeches from key guests.
In his speech, the guest of honor appreciated Uwezo/Twaweza efforts as an NGO in raising education issues and challenges facing the education system in Tanzania. He also spoke about Uwezo reports in general; that they show the reality of the education sector in our country and the government has to accept the work done by the NGOs as they raised accountability and pressurize them to deliver. He also spoke about the new policy of free education and acknowledged that more efforts are now been taken to improve education. He emphasised that, despite the initiative to ensure every Tanzanian child has a desk, they still face shortages. He also saw teacher and pupil attendance as a major challenge as well as nutrition for pupils so they are better equipped to learn.
He also insisted that Morogoro has to wake up; pass rates of 62% are nothing if children are going to school but not learning and there are a number students that have dropped out of schools or never attended. He insisted that everyone involved has to take up their roles; teachers to teach, parents to take care of children and government to make sure that all learning necessities are provided for children to learn.
Following the speeches, there was a lively discussion about how to improve collaboration between the three key groups responsible for education: parents, teachers and government.
Blog originally posted at the Twaweza Website
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