The third meeting of the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML), hosted in May by the Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación (INEE) in Mexico, was attended by 58 experts from 28 organizations, research institutions, multilateral agencies and Member States. The discussions over two days focused on various technical issues related to learning indicators, as well as governance and organization of the Alliance overall. Read more
GAML Strategic Planning Committee
The SPC met twice during the third GAML meeting, and convened a virtual meeting on 20 June. Read more
The SPC is chaired by David Coleman of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia. The current composition of the SPC (in place for a trasnitional period of one year) is as follows:
Category | Organization | Represented on the SPC by: |
International organization | World Bank | Marguerite Clarke |
International organization | OECD | Michael Ward |
Multilateral funding group | Global Partnership for Education | Karen Mundy |
Teachers | Education International | Antonia Wulff |
Civil society | PAL Network | Baela Raza Jamil |
Regional learning assessment organizations | PASEC/CONFEMEN | Hilaire Hounkpodoté |
Member State | Directorate for Education and Training – Norway | Anne-Berit Kavli |
Member State | Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación (INEE) – Mexico | Héctor Virgilio Robes Vásquez |
Private foundation* | Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation | Luke Justice |
* an observer
Third TCG Meeting
The results of the GAML meeting were duly presented to the Technical Cooperation Group (TCG) on SDG 4–Education 2030 Indicators that met in Montreal, Canada on 1-2 June 2017. 47 experts and representatives from 13 Member States, 5 Observer States and 7 organizations reviewed, among other items, the GAML recommendations on 2017 reporting based on current cross-national learning assessment (CNLA) data, as well as progress towards development of a Global Lead Indicator (GLI), workplan of the TCG for 2017-2018 and other items. Read more
Meeting of the Regional/International Assessments
Without data for learning assessment, moving forward is impossible. A lot of assessments are happening on all levels every year. How to link them? How to report on the same scale? How to expand coverage? These are the main questions. The UIS has been considering different alternatives and the conclusion is quite clear. The way forward is through a global reporting and harmonization of different assessments. To address the critical issues of linking and global reporting as well as expanding coverage of learning assessments worldwide, the UIS has convened a meeting of the regioal and international learning assessments leaders to take place on 26 June 2017 in Washington DC.
We believe that a collective action can help. Read more about the UIS practical solution to streamline the discussion and add value by leveraging resources and developments already in place.
GAML Task Forces
The best way to contribute to the technical and methodological discussions on learning indicators is to engage with the GAML Task Forces that started their work in 2017. The Task Forces are developing technical proposal for all targets which include a learning indicator, namely 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.6 and 4.7. A cross-cutting Task Force on Assessment Implementation was also formed with a new Capacity Development task force under discussion.
In two virtual meetings that Task Force 4.1 has held up to date, its members discussed the feasibility of national learning assessment data for reporting, coverage issues (the grade of reporting, target population), and choice of tools (national, regional or international assessments) for reporting on national learning outcomes. They also suggested minimum quality requirements and the establishment of data validation for submitted data. The recommendations were put forth at the third GAML meeting to continue with the development of tools and processes for global reporting. Read more
Three virtual meetings of Task Force 4.2 were held, and two discussion papers produced: one on learning domains for Target 4.2.1, and the other on options for a measurement strategy for the target. The latest meeting focused on the measurement strategy, and the need to align more closely the role of the Task Force with the work undertaken by UNICEF and its creation of an Inter-Agency Expert Group on ECD, in which the UIS will participate. UNICEF is the custodian agency for Target 4.2.1 and their current plans are to revise and expand their Early Childhood Development Index (ECDI) to align it more closely with the target, and make it applicable to all countries. Following the latest meeting and inputs from members, revised Terms of Reference including a proposal for engagement with UNICEF will be proposed. Read more
The Task Force met virtually once to discuss the definitions of ICT and digital literacy skills. Task Force members are asked to review the main technical documents, identify major gaps in measuring learning outcomes of ICT skills, and if appropriate consider a study that would synthesise the literature, map existing information on the measurement of ICT skills and propose a standard definition. The Task Force will meet on 23 June 2017 to agree on the revised Terms of Reference, including the revised timeline of activities, and discuss work plan and activities. Read more
The Task Force had its first virtual meeting on 22 June 2017. The agenda covers GAML’s third meeting, the review of existing Task Force Terms of Reference and potential work plans. Some technical issues will be briefly introduced, the availability of national, regional and international initiatives, the definition of a target population and the definition of functional literacy and numeracy.
Composition-Task Force 4.7
Calendar of events (July-December 2017)
07 (date TBC): GAML Task Force 4.1 fourth virtual meeting
09 (date TBC): GAML Task Force 4.7 second virtual meeting
26-27.10: Fourth meeting of GAML (place TBC)
12 (date TBC): Fourth meeting of TCG (place TBC)
Contacts for general questions (GAML Secretariat) (TCG Secretariat) (UIS Director’s office)
Olga Ovsyannikova ( – Executive assistant to the UIS Director
(Blog based on GAML/TCG Newsletter published June 2017)